Sunday Morning Sunday School

[5 Mark & Susan McKay

ADULT DISCIPLESHIP CLASS, 9:00-10:15 Sunday Morning

Our Adult Sunday School starts in the Kitchen/Fellowship Hall at 9:00am for general announcements, meet & greet, refreshments, and too share prayer request.

At 9:15 the class splits into two classes led by Mark McKay and a rotation of volunters. Mark McKay, a seasoned Bible teacher as well as a history teacher in the New Albany Floyd County School system.

Anyone high school graduate age or older is welcome as we seek to deepen our faith and develop new friendships. All you need to bring is your Bible as we look at a variety of topics as well as entire books of the Bible.

For more information, contact the church office at 812-923-0940!


Each week we will be taking prayer requests and/or praises and sharing them on this page. 4 weeks shown at a time.

Additional prayer requests and/or praises can be emailed to our church anytime at

Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.

 —–>PSM 119:18   Open my eyes, that I may see wondrous things from your law. [in the Bible]




  • Judy Curry – Prayers for upcoming move & hp replacement.  Prayers for a safe travel for my daughter, Christina & Grandson, Zender, who are traveling to Seattle!

  • Liddle’s – Prayers for Judy Jacobs, my brothers Mother-in-law, who was diagnosed with Cancer. Pray for healing. Cindy – My sister Rose, in Hosp. with a Fib. but she knew Jesus! Also, my friends daughter – 30- took her life.. Please Pray for them. 

  • Claudia – Continued Prayers for Josh & his battle with Brain Cancer! Also, Agnus, my Daughter-in-laws Grandmother, who fell and broke her hip. She is 89. Nees strength & healing thru Gods hand! Also, Pray for travel mercies for my Son Matt & Family, to Switzerland for 10 Days!

  • * Cindy – My sister Rose, in Hosp. with a Fib. but she knew Jesus! Also, my friends daughter -30- took her life. Please Pray for them!

  • *Nicole L. –  Be with the new Married couples – our nieces & Mckays, Ashlyn & Hunter, Kylie & Brayton, and Ellie & J.D., as they begin their lives together! And for God to be primary in their relationships!  Also, Pray for comfort for a  friend  at work, Monique, because her Daughter was killed in Louisville las week! Pray that she is able to draw close to Christ at this time!




  • JUDY – Pray that God would reduce the Pain in her left Hip!

  • Pray that Jack to come to the Lord & the need for his family strength!

  • Kathy – Pray for Noah & his Family.

  • Ray – Pray for Salvation for brther Jerry!

  • Cliff- Please pray for my boss, Corcy, who had Brain Surgery last week!

  • Stephanie – Pray for my son, Alex, & bonus Daughter, Laken, as they are expecting their 1st baby Anytime. 

  • Tim – Please Pray for my marriage & continual spiritual growth in my Heart!

  • Tim – Also, pray for my cousin Dewin & hi family, as they embark on their summer road trip!

  • McKay’s – Pray for their Safe Travels & a great Wedding on July 13th! Also, Pray for Susan’s parents are safe while we are at the wedding. Also, Pray for Debbie Habing – Stage 4 non-smokers lung Cancer!

  • Sosby’s – Pray for our daughter, Olivia – she had a laceration on her Hand, with Stitches. Needs speedy healing; and also Pray she finds her way and new opportunity arise for a new career!

  • Claudia – Pray for my daughter-in-Law, Nikki, & Brother-in-Law, Josh, who was diagnosed with Brain Cancer. It is dire and a very aggressive tumor! This hits even more strongly as the girls, Nikki & sister Traci, lost their Father to Brain Cancer, when they were children!




  • Nicole L. – Pray for upcoming Mariages – J.D. McKay and Ellie – My two Nieces, Kylie McDonalds & Ashlyn Liddle, that they will acknowledge Christ first in their relationships & God will bless their Marriage!

  • Tim Lefebvre –  Prayers for my marriage & healing hurts from the past. Prayers for my relationship with Ephraim & guidance to lead him to become a Godly Man! 

  • Stephanie Heitz – Praise God for my new Baby Nephew, Bengamin, who was born healthy & safe, on Monday!

  • Continued Prayers for Melvin S. [Cancer] and for brother, Jeff [failure to thrive].

  • Matt C. – (USAF) Pray for his deployment to Saudi Arabia! – Pray for unbelievers to know Jesus and His saving grace!


  • Lou – a friend of Doug & Janet, needs prayer, he’s in Nortons Hospital with heart failure.

  • Jeff K. – in Hospice, also Melvin S. needs prayer for Cancer treatments.

  • Prayer –  for J.D. and Ellie who are looking for an apartment and other details for  marriage!

  • Prayer – for Kevin Koch & Family (death of Son)

  • Cliff – Pray for Bill S. who has bone cancer!

  • Deb. – Pray for Matt C. (USAF) Deployed to Saudi Arabia. Pray for the safety of all the Military! Pray for unbelievers to come to know Jesus, our Savior!

  • Claudia – my neice, Mackenzie’s fiancé, Caleb, needs prayer because of a Heart Attack visiting. Will have bypass surgery tomorrow!

  • Pray for Students and Adults, at Camp this week, as well as the counselors &  workers at the camp. Pray for open hearts, focus on growth & unity in our groups!

  • Tim – Pray for integrity to grow in myself & pray for for renewal of connection in my marriage & growth in my relationship Ephraim, my oldest Son!

Bill Liddle  KB9LAX

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